Dr Rosalyn M M Wilson (f)
MBChB (Aberdeen 2000) DFSRH MRCGP (2007)Non Working Day – Wednesday
Dr Zdenka Carruthers (f)
MUDR, DRCOG, MRCGPNon Working Day – Thursday
We occasionally employ locums during busy periods and to cover absent GPs’ surgeries. At present we have one long-term locum Dr Fiona Hunter who works two sessions a week on a Wednesday and Thursday morning.
GP Trainee
The Practice is approved for training which means a doctor who has at least 3 years hospital training spends 18 months in total with us learning about General Practice.
- Our current GPST3 is Dr Omar Amin.
To assist their training you may be asked to allow your consultation to be video taped. This is only for use within the Practice. Please feel free to decline if you are uncomfortable with this, it will not affect your consultation. We are now a training practice and you may be offered or may request an appointment with our trainee.
Physician Associate
- Our Physician Associate is Natasha O’Hagan.
A Physician’s Associate is a clinician who is typically medically trained across a wide range of conditions, able to see and diagnose both children and adults alike, but who is not a doctor, and cannot prescribe. If medication is required, the Physician’s Associate will arrange for this to be issued by the GP on duty. They can provide continuity of care for those with long term conditions for instance.